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Compilation of the Legal Instruments on
China's Accession to the World Trade Organization

Decision: Accession of the People's Republic of China 關(guān)于中華人民共和國(guó)加入的決定
Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國(guó)加入議定書
-Annex 1A: Information to be Provided by China in the Context of the Transitional Review

Mechanism -附件1A:中國(guó)在過渡性審議機(jī)制中提供的信息
-Annex 1B: Issues to be Addressed by the General Council in Accordance with Section 18.2 of

China's Protocol of Accession -附件1B:總理事會(huì)依照《中國(guó)加入議定書》第18條第2款處理的問題
-Annex 2A1: Products Subject to State Trading (Import) -附件2A1:國(guó)營(yíng)貿(mào)易產(chǎn)品(進(jìn)口)
-Annex 2A2: Products Subject to State Trading (Export) -附件2A2:國(guó)營(yíng)貿(mào)易產(chǎn)品(出口)
-Annex 2B: Products Subject to Designated Trading -附件2B:指定經(jīng)營(yíng)產(chǎn)品
-Annex 3: Non-Tariff Measures Subject to Phased Elimination -附件3:非關(guān)稅措施取消時(shí)間表
-Annex 4: Products and Services Subject to Price Controls -附件4:受價(jià)格控制的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)
-Annex 5A: Notification Pursuant to Article XXV of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing

Measures -附件5A:根據(jù)《補(bǔ)貼與反補(bǔ)貼措施協(xié)定》第25條作出的通知
-Annex 5B: Subsidies to be Phased Out -附件5B:需逐步取消的補(bǔ)貼
-Annex 6: Products Subject to Export Duty -附件6:出口稅產(chǎn)品
-Annex 7: Reservations by WTO Members -附件7:WTO成員的保留
-Annex 8: Schedule CLII - People's Republic of China: -附件8:第152號(hào)減讓表—中華人民共和國(guó):
Part I: Most-Favored Nation Tariff 第一部分:最惠國(guó)稅率
Section I: Agricultural Products 第一節(jié):農(nóng)產(chǎn)品
Section I-A: Tariffs 第一節(jié)A:關(guān)稅
Section I-B: Tariff Quotas 第一節(jié)B:關(guān)稅配額
Section II: Other Products 第二節(jié):其他產(chǎn)品
Part II: Preferential Tariff (if applicable) 第二部分:優(yōu)惠關(guān)稅(如果適用)
Part III: Non-Tariff Concessions 第三部分:非關(guān)稅減讓
Section A: Tariff-rate Quotas on Fertilizer and Wool Tops A節(jié):化肥和毛條關(guān)稅配額
Section B: Other Non-tariff Concessions B 節(jié):其他非關(guān)稅減讓
Part IV: Agricultural Products: Commitments Limiting Subsidization 第四部分:農(nóng)產(chǎn)品:限制補(bǔ)貼的承

Section I:Domestic Support: Total AMS Commitments 第一節(jié):國(guó)內(nèi)支持:綜合支持總量承諾
Section II: Export Subsidies: Budgetary Outlay and Quantity Reduction Commitments 第二節(jié):出口補(bǔ)

Section III: Commitments Limiting the Scope of Export Subsidies 第三節(jié):限制出口補(bǔ)貼范圍的承諾
Attachment B 《信息技術(shù)協(xié)定》附表B
Annex I: Staging Matrix for Section I-A(Agricultural Tariffs) 附件1:第1-A節(jié)逐年減讓表(農(nóng)產(chǎn)品)
Annex II: Staging Matrix for Section II(Other Products) 附件2:第2節(jié)逐年減讓表(其他產(chǎn)品)

-Annex 9: Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services
List of Article II MFN Exemptions -附件9:服務(wù)貿(mào)易具體承諾減讓表
Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China 中國(guó)加入工作組報(bào)告書

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