
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 公民電話記錄隱私權(quán)保護的研究——美國北卡羅萊納州相關(guān)立法引發(fā)的思考

    [ 王碩 ]——(2010-4-21) / 已閱18899次


    王碩 郭春枝(助)




    North CarolinaArticle .Telephone Records Privacy Protection Act
    .§ 14 113.30. Definitions.The following definitions apply in this Article:
    1.Caller identification record. – A record collected and retained by or on behalf of a customer utilizing caller identification or similar technology that is delivered electronically to the recipient of a telephone call simultaneously with the reception of the telephone call and that indicates the telephone number from which the telephone call was initiated or similar information regarding the telephone call.
    2.Customer. – A person or the legal guardian of a person or a representative of a business to whom a telephone service provider provides telephone service to a number subscribed or listed in the name of the person or business.
    3.Person. – An individual, business association, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other legal entity.
    4.Telephone record. – A record in written, electronic, or oral form, except a caller identification record, Directory Assistance information, and subscriber list information, that is created by a telephone service provider and that contains any of the following information with respect to a customer: a. Telephone numbers that have been dialed by the customer. b. Telephone numbers that pertain to calls made to the customer. c. The time when calls were made by the customer or to the customer. d. The duration of calls made by the customer or to the customer. e. The charges applied to calls, if any.
    5.Telephone service. – The conveyance of two way communication in analog, digital, or other form by any medium, including wire, cable, fiber optics, cellular, broadband personal communications services, or other wireless technologies, satellite, microwave, or at any frequency over any part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The term also includes the conveyance of voice communication over the Internet and telephone relay service.
    6. Telephone service provider. – A person who provides telephone service to a customer without regard to the form of technology used, including traditional wire line or cable communications service; cellular, broadband PCS, or other wireless communications service; microwave, satellite, or other terrestrial communications service; or voice over Internet communications service。


    § 14 113.30. 定義。下列定義適用于本條文:

    4.電話記錄——記錄形式包括書面、電子、口頭等形式。記錄內(nèi)容除了來電者身份記 錄外,還包括目錄幫助信息,用戶列表信息。用戶列表信息又包括電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商創(chuàng)建的和與客戶相關(guān)的下列信息:(1) 客戶已拔的電話號碼;(2)客戶自己的號碼;(3)客戶撥打電話或接受電話的時間點;(4)客戶撥出或接收電話的通話時長;(5) 如果屬于收費電話,還包括電話費用項目。
    § 14 113.31. Prohibition of falsely obtaining, selling, or soliciting telephone records.
    1.No person shall obtain, or attempt to obtain, by any means, whether electronically, in writing, or in oral form, with or without consideration, a telephone record that pertains to a customer who is a resident of this State without the customer's consent by doing any of the following:(1) Making a false statement or representation to an agent, representative, or employee of a telephone service provider.(2)Making a false statement or representation to a customer of a telephone service provider.(3)Knowingly providing to a telephone service provider a document that is fraudulent, that has been lost or stolen, or that has been obtained by fraud, or that contains a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation.(4)Accessing customer accounts of a telephone service provider via the Internet without prior authorization from the customer to whom the telephone records relate.
    2. No person shall knowingly purchase, receive, or solicit another to purchase or receive a telephone record that pertains to a customer without the prior authorization of that customer, or if the purchaser or receiver knows or has reason to know that the record has been obtained fraudulently.
    3. No person shall sell or offer to sell a telephone record that was obtained without the customer's prior consent, or if the person knows or has reason to know that the telephone record was obtained fraudulently.
    § 14 113.31. 禁止虛假獲得,出售,或?qū)で箅娫捰涗洝?br> 1.任何人不得獲取或試圖以電子、書面、口頭形式通過如下方式獲取電話記錄,而不論電話記錄涉及到的客戶是否居住在本國以及是否得到了客戶的同意:(1)對代表人、代理人或電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商的雇員作虛假陳述或代表;(2)對電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商的客戶作虛假陳述或代表;(3)明知提供給電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商的文件是偽造的,已丟失的或被盜的,或以欺詐手段獲得的,或載有虛假的、虛構(gòu)的、欺騙性的陳述或代表;(4)未經(jīng)事先授權(quán),電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商通過因特網(wǎng)訪問客戶賬戶的電話記錄,獲得與該電話記錄相關(guān)人員的信息。
    § 14 113.32. Exceptions.
    1.The provisions of G.S. 14 113.31 shall not apply to any of the following:
    (1)Any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency in connection with the official duties of the law enforcement agency.
    (2)A disclosure by a telephone service provider if the telephone service provider reasonably believes the disclosure is necessary to: (i) provide telephone service to a customer, including sharing telephone records with one of the provider's affiliates or (ii) protect an individual or service provider from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of telephone service or a telephone record.
    (3)A disclosure by a telephone service provider to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
    (4)A disclosure by a telephone service provider that is authorized by State or federal law or regulation.
    (5)A disclosure by a telephone service provider to a governmental entity if the provider reasonably believes there is an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury.
    (6)Testing of a telephone service provider's security procedures or systems for maintaining the confidentiality of customers' telephone records.
    2.Nothing in this Article shall be construed to expand the obligation or duty of a telephone service provider to maintain the confidentiality of telephone records beyond the requirements of this Article or federal law or regulation. Any telephone service provider or agent, employee, or representative of a telephone service provider who reasonably and in good faith discloses telephone records shall not be criminally or civilly liable if the disclosure is later determined to be in violation of this Article.
    § 14 113.32. 例外
    1. § 14 113.31中所列情形不適用于下列事項。(1)任何合法授權(quán)的調(diào)查、保護,以及執(zhí)法機構(gòu)的情報活動與公務(wù)活動。(2)電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商基于以下情況合理地認為披露是必要的而進行的披露行為:i 為客戶提供電話服務(wù)包括與供應(yīng)商的分支機構(gòu)分享電話記錄;ii防止個人或服務(wù)商被欺詐,以及濫用或非法使用電話服務(wù)或電話記錄。(3)電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商披露美國失蹤和被剝削的兒童。(4)電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商的披露行為是得到國家、聯(lián)邦法律法規(guī)授權(quán)的。(5)電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商合理第認為有死亡的危險或嚴重的身體傷害等緊急情況而對政府實體所作的披露。(6)為維護客戶電話記錄的機密性而進行的電話服務(wù)供應(yīng)商的安全程序以及系統(tǒng)的測試。

    總共2頁  1 [2]






    A 法學(xué)理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經(jīng)濟法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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