
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 中國刑事法中的“可以”之考究

    [ 張慶旭 ]——(2003-11-1) / 已閱32012次

    Study On the “May” of Criminal Law
    Zhang Qing-xu
    (Dept of Politics and Law, Fuyang Teachers College, Fuyang Anhui, 236000 )
    Abstract: The clause of the Criminal Law shows certain legislative intention. However, owing to lots of uncertain language such as “may” in Criminal Law, definition of the Criminal Law is descending. Legitimacy of use of the Criminal Law becomes to difficult. Start form the connotation of “may”, base on the inspecting of “may”, writer points out the mistakes of “may”. At the same time, this paper put forwards some views and advises.
    Key words: May; Can’t do; Cut both ways

    總共3頁  [1] [2] 3






    A 法學理論

    C 國家法、憲法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 經濟法

    N 訴訟法

    S 司法制度

    T 國際法

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