
  • 法律圖書館

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  • 合同法基礎(影印本)




    1. Normative Underpinnings, 1
    1.1 Enforcing Promises, 2
    The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract, 2
    P. S. Atiyah
    Contract as Promise, 7
    Charles Fried
    Notes on Enforcing Promises, 13
    1.2 Selecting Default Rules, 15
    Contract Law, Default Rules, and the Philosophy of Promising, 15
    Richard Craswell
    Filling Gaps in Incomplete Contracts, 21
    Ian Ayres and Robert Gertner
    Notes on Selecting Default Rules, 27
    1.3 Distributional Concerns, 29
    Passing on the Costs of Legal Rules, 29
    Richard Craswell
    Notes on Distributional Concerns, 37
    2. Remedies For Breach, 39
    2.1 Expectation Damages, 40
    Law and Economics, 40
    Robert Cooter and Thomas Ulen
    The Efficient Breach Fallacy, 42
    Daniel Friedmann
    Contract Remedies, Renegotiation, and the Theory of Efficient
    Breach, 44
    Richard Craswell
    Notes on Expectation Damages, 52
    2.2 Limits on the Expectation Measure, 54
    2.2.1 Mitigation and Reliance by the Promisee, 54
    The Mitigation Principle, 54
    Charles J. Goetz and Robert E. Scott
    Unity in Tort, Contract, and Property, 57
    Robert Cooter
    Notes on Mitigation and Reliance by the Promisee, 63
    2.2.2 Consequential Damages, 65
    Beyond Foreseeability: Consequential Damages in the Law of
    Contract, 65
    Richard A. Epstein
    Contract Damages and Cross-Subsidization, 71
    Gwyn D. Quillen
    Information and the Scope of Liability for Breach of Contract, 75
    Lucian Ayre Bebchuk and Steven Shavell
    Notes on Consequential Damages, 76
    2.2.3 Subjective Losses, 80
    Cost of Completion or D/minution in Market Value, 80
    Timothy J. Muris
    Proposals for Products Liability Reform, 85
    Alan Schwartz
    Notes on Subjective Losses, 89
    2.3 Alternatives to Expectation Damages, 92
    2.3.1 Specific Performance, 92
    The Case for Specific Performance, 92
    Alan Schwartz
    Notes on Specific Performance, 96
    2.3.2 Liquidated Damages, 99
    Liquidated Damages, Penalties, and the Just Compensation Principle,
    Charles J. Goetz and Robert E. Scott
    Efficiency Implications of Penalties and Liquidated Damages, 105
    Samuel A. Rea, Jr.
    Notes on Liquidated Damages, 113
    2.3.3 Rescission and Restitution, 114
    The Mitigation Principle, 114
    Charles J. Goetz and Robert E. Scott
    Good Faith in the Enforcement of Contracts, 118
    Eric G. Andersen
    Notes on Rescission and Restitution, 124
    2.3.4 Punitive Damages, 126
    Punitive Damages: Divergence in Search of a Rationale, 126
    Bruce Chapman and Michael Trebilcock
    Notes on l~nitive D~ma~ges, 135
    3. Defining the Performance Obligation, 137
    3.1 Implied Excuses, 138
    3.1.1 Impracticability, Frustration, and Mistake, 138
    Impossibility and Related Doctrines in Contract Law, 138
    Richard A. Posner and Andrew M. Rosenfield
    Contract as Promise, 143
    Charles Fried
    Mistake, Frustration, and the Windfall Principle of Contract
    Remedies, 147
    Andrew Kull
    Relational Contracts in the Courts, 152
    Alan Schwartz
    Notes on Impracticability, Frustration, and Mistake, 156
    3.1.2 Nondisclosure and Unilateral Mistake, 159
    Mistake, Disclosure, Information, and the Law of Contracts, 159
    Anthony T. Kronman
    Legal Secrets, 165
    K/m l.~ne Scheppele
    Notes on Nondisclosure and Unilateral Mistake. 169
    3.2 Implied Warranties, 173
    A Theory of the Consumer Product Warranty, 173
    George L. Priest
    Notes on Implied Warranties, 178
    3.3 Relational Contracts, 180
    3.3.1 Marketing and Supply Contracts, 180
    Principles of Relational Contracts, 180
    Charles J. Goetz and Robert E. Scott
    Relational Contracts in the Courts, 186
    Alan Schwartz "
    Economic Analysis of Contractual Relations, 193
    lan Macneil
    Notes on Marketing and Supply Contracts, 199
    3.3.2 TerminAtion Decisions, 201
    Transaction Cost Determinants of "Unfair" Contractual
    Arrangements, 201
    Be~amin Klein
    Problematic Relations: Franchising and the Law of Incomplete
    Contracts, 203
    Gfllian I~ Hadfield
    Notes on Termination Decisions, 209
    3.4 Modification by the Parties, 211
    The Law of Contract Modification, 211
    Varouj A. Aivazian, Michael Trebilcock, and Michael Penny
    Notes on Modification by the Parties, 220
    4. Contract Formation, 222
    4.1 Bases for Enforcement, 223
    4.1.1 Consideration, 223
    The Principles of Consideration, 223
    Melvin Aron Eisenberg
    Notes on Consideration, 229
    4.1.2 Reliance, 231
    Promissory Estoppel and Judicial Method, 231
    Jay M. Feinman
    The Promissory Basis of Section 90, 238
    Edward Yorio and Steve Thel
    Notes on Reliance, 242
    4.1.3 Formalities, 244
    Form and Substance in Private Law Adjudication, 244
    Duncan Kennedy
    Alchemical Notes: Reconstructing Ideals from Deconstructed Rights,
    Patricia J. Williams
    Notes on Formalities, 250
    4.2 Offer and Acceptance, 251
    4.2.1 Interpreting Offers, 251
    The Language of Offer and Acceptance, 251
    Peter Meijes Tiersma
    Mass Media and Offers to the Public, 257
    Peter Klik
    Notes on Interpreting Offers, 263
    4.2.2 Unilateral Contracts, 266
    Modern Unilateral Contracts, 266
    Mark Pettit, Jr
    Notes on Unilateral Contracts, 271
    4.2.3 Implied Contracts, 272
    Economic Analysis of Law, 272
    Richard A. Posner
    An Essay in the Deconstruction of Contract Doctrine, 273
    Clare Dalton
    Notes on Implied Contracts, 277
    4.2.4 Preliminary Negotiations, 278
    Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreements, 278
    E. Allan Famsworth
    Notes on Preliminary Negotiations, 284
    5. Unconscionability and Other Defenses, 287
    5.1 Traditional Defenses, 288
    Unconscionability: A Critical Reappraisal, 288
    Richard A. Epstein
    Notes on Traditional Defenses, 293
    5.2 Reasonable Expectations, 295
    Mass Contracts: Lawful Fraud in California, 295
    W. David Slawson
    Judge-Made Law and Judge-Made Insurance, 298
    Kenneth S. Abraham
    Notes on Reasonable Expectations, 303
    5.3 Unconscionabflity, 306
    5.3.1 Market Power, 306
    A Reexamination of Nonsubstantive Unconscionability, 306
    Alan Schwartz
    Distributive and Pater~llst Motives in Contract Law and Tort Law,
    Duncan Kennedy
    Notes on Market Power, 313
    5.3.2 Imperfect Information, 315
    Distributive and Paternalist Motives in Contract and Tort Law, 315
    Duncan Kennedy
    Proposals for Products Liability Reform, 319
    Alan Schwartz
    Notes on Imperfect Information, 322
    5.3.3 Form Contracts, 324
    Contracts of Adhesion: An Essay in Reconstruction, 324
    Todd D. Rakoff
    Contract as Thing, 329
    Arthur Alan Left
    Unconscionabflity in Standard Forms, 333
    Lewis A. Kornhauser
    Notes on Form Contracts, 336
    5.3.4 Buyer Incompetence, 339
    A Reexamination of Nor.substantive Unconscionabflity, 339
    Alan Schwartz
    Notes on Buyer Incompetence, 341

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