
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 海上貨物運輸中的賠償問題研究:中英法律制度之比較/海商法博士精





    Chapter 1 Introductory Issues
    1.1 English legal history and legal system
    1.2 Chinese legal history and legal system
    1.3 Comparison between two legal systems
    1.4 Maritime law and its history
    1.5 Necessity of the research
    1.6 Why English maritime law?
    1.7 Contributio and aims of the research

    Chapter 2 Basic Definitio
    2.1 Definition of damages and other terminologies
    2.2 Obligatio.remedies and damages
    2.3 The objects of damages
    2.4 The interests that damages law exists to protect
    2.5 Legal philosophy.morality and law
    2.6 Particular issues relating tO the carriage by sea

    Chapter 3 Causation
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Definition of causation English—style
    3.3 The“but for”test
    3.4 Competing causes
    3.5 Common see
    3.6 Causation:the Chinese position
    3.7 The burden of proof of causation in sea carriage cases
    3.8 Contributory negligence and the carriage of goods by sea
    3.9 Causation issues in obligatio and exceptio in the carriage
    of goods by sea
    3.1 0 Causation and the cotruction of contractual obligatio
    3.11 Questio of causation on nomination of safe port/berth
    3.1 2 Other breaches of contract by carde
    3.1 3 Deliberate wrongdoing
    3.14 Conclusion

    Chapter 4 The Remoteriess and Foreseeability Tests
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 The remoteness rule in contract law.English—style
    4.3 The remoteness rule and the Chinese Contract Law of 1 999
    4.4 The remoteness rule in Chinese shipping law and its problems
    4.5 Justificatio and legal policy:England and China
    4.6 Reasonable contemplation:imputed knowledge or actual
    4.7 Whose contemplation?
    4.8 The requisite degree of probability of the contractual test
    of remoteness
    4.9 A further problem:the specificity of the knowledge required
    4.10 Knowledge communicated to the defendant
    4.1 1 What is taken to be within or outside the contemplation of
    the parties to a carriage contract?
    4.1 2 Exclusion of the remoteness rule
    4.1 3 Foreseeability in tort law
    4.14 Exception to foreseeability:deliberate wrongdoing
    4.15 Conclusion

    Chapter 5 Mitigation
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 English legal rules on mitigation
    5.3 Mitigation:Chinese law
    5.4 Morality,mitigation and contract law
    5.5 When to mitigate
    5.6 The criterion of reasonableness in English law
    5.7 The standard Of reasonableness in Chinese law
    5.8 Deduction of benefits
    5.9 Shipping law illustratio
    5.1 0 Impecuniosity and mitigation
    5.1l Conclusion

    Chapter 6 Measure Of Damages
    6.1 Measure of damages in the carriage of goods by sea:English
    6.2 Measure of damages in the carriage of goods by sea: Chinese
    6.3 Coequential lOSS
    6.4 Liability to third parties as a head of damage
    6.5 Other economic losses
    6.6 Normal trait losses
    6.7 Conclusion

    Chapter 7 Limitation
    7.1 Introduction and the history of the limitation regime
    7.2 Necessity of two regimes
    7.3 Package Limitation
    7.4 Global Limitation
    7.5 The future of the limitation regime
    7.6 Conclusion and recommendatio

    Chapter 8 Interest and Foreign Currency
    8.1 Interest under English law.
    8.2 Interest under Chinese law.
    8.3 Foreign currency under English,law
    8.4 Foreign currency under Chinese law

    Chapter 9 Conclusion
    9.1 General comparison and reflectio on Chinese law
    9.2 International maritime conventio and national law
    9.3 Other specific problems and proposed solutio

    List of Cases
    List of Chinese statutes and their brief introduction

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