
  • 法律圖書(shū)館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 法律英語(yǔ)綜合教程/法律英語(yǔ)證書(shū)(LEC)全國(guó)統(tǒng)一考試指定用書(shū)




    Part One Basics of Legal English
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Historical Development of Legal English
    Chapter 3 Characteristics of Legal English
    Chapter 4 Terms and Rules in Legal English
    Chapter 5 General Legal Terms
    Chapter 6 Legal Citations
    Part Two American Legal Regime
    Chapter 1 Overview of the U. S. Court System
    Chapter 2 Jury Trial
    Chapter 3 The Adversary System
    Chapter 4 Appellate Courts
    Chapter 5 Appellate Judges
    Chapter 6 Court Opinions and Case Digests
    Part Three Constitutional Law
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 The Judicial Power
    Chapter 3 Legislative Power
    Chapter 4 Individual Guarantees Against Governmental or Private'Action
    Chapter 5 Retroactive Legislation
    Chapter 6 Procedural Due Process
    Chapter 7 Substantive Due Process
    Chapter 8 Equal Protection
    Chapter 9 Fundamental Rights
    Part Four Contracts
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Basics of Contracts
    Chapter 3 Contract Formation
    Chapter 4 Capacity of a Contract
     Chapter 5 Vitiating Factors
     Chapter 6 Problems Involving Persons Other than the Parties to the Original Contract
     Chapter 7 Discharge
     Chapter 8 Breach of Contract
     Chapter 9 Remedies for Breach of Contract
     Chapter 10 Dispute Settlement
    Part Five Torts
     Chapter 1 Introduction
     Chapter 2 Intentional Torts
     Chapter 3 Defenses to Intentional Torts
     Chapter 4 Negligence
     Chapter 5 Cause in Fact
     Chapter 6 Proximate Cause
     Chapter 7 Multiple Tortfeasors
     Chapter 8 Damages for Personal Injuries
     Chapter 9 Limited Duties : Special Limitations on the Scope of Duty
     Chapter 10 Premises Liability: Duties of Owners and Occupiers of Land
     Chapter 11 Defenses
     Chapter 12 Vicarious Liability
     Chapter 13 Products Liability
     Chapter 14 Defamation
     Chapter 15 The Privacy Torts
     Chapter 16 Competitive Torts
    Part Six Property Law
     Chapter 1 Introduction
     Chapter 2 Acquisition of Property
     Chapter 3 Possessory Estates
     Chapter 4 Future Interests
     Chapter 5 Concurrent Estates
     Chapter 6 Landlord and Tenant
     Chapter 7 Fixtures
     Chapter 8 Rights in the Land of Another Easements, Profits, Covenants, and Servitudes
     Chapter 9 Conveyancing
     Chapter 10 Cooperatives, Condominiums, and Zoning
     Chapter 11 Nuisance
    Part Seven Evidence Law
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 General Considerations
    Chapter 3 Relevance and Judicial Notice
    Chapter 4 Real Evidence
    Chapter 5 Documentary Evidence
    Chapter 6 Testimonial Evidence
    Chapter 7 The Hearsay Rule
    Chapter 8 Procedural Considerations
    Part Eight Civil Procedure
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Personal Jurisdiction
    Chapter 3 Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction
    Chapter 4 Federal Question Jurisdiction
    Chapter 5 Venue
    Chapter 6 Removal Jurisdiction
    Chapter 7 Conflict of Jurisdiction between States and Federal Courts
    Chapter 8 The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
    Part Nine Criminal Law
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 What Makes a Case a Criminal Case?
    Chapter 3 How to Interpret Criminal Statutes
    Chapter 4 How Defendants' Mental States Affect Their Responsibility for a Crime
    Chapter 5 Criminal Offenses
     Chapter 6 Implications of a Crime's Classification
    Part Ten Criminal Procedure
     Chapter 1 Constitutional Restrains
     Chapter 2 Exclusionary Rule
     Chapter 3 Fourth Amendment
     Chapter 4 Confessions
     Chapter 5 Pretrial Procedures
     Chapter 6 Trial
     Chapter 7 Guilty Pleas and Plea Bargaining
     Chapter 8 Constitutional Rights in Relation to Sentence and Punishment
     Chapter 9 Constitutional Problems on Appeal
     Chapter 10 Rights during Punishment-Probation, Imprisonment, Parole
    Chapter 11 Double Jeopardy
    Chapter 12 Forfeiture Actions
    Part Eleven Intellectual Property Law
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    Chapter 2 Trade Secrets
    Chapter 3 Patent
    Chapter 4 Copyright
    Chapter 5 Trademark Law
    Part Twelve Business Law
    Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Forms
    Chapter 2 Partnership
    Chapter 3 Limited Liability Company
    Chapter 4 Corporation
     Chapter 5 Securities
     Chapter 6 Commercial Paper
    Part Thirteen Logical Reasoning
     Chapter 1 Introduction
     Chapter 2 Assumptions
     Chapter 3 Method of Argument
     Chapter 4 Faulty Logic
     Chapter 5 Strengthening or Weakening
     Chapter 6 Parallel Reasoning
     Chapter 7 Inference
     Chapter 8 Other Question Types
    Appendix: Key to the Exercises

    Copyright © 1999-2024 法律圖書(shū)館



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